MIDI with Musescore 4

• Jan 23, 2023 - 16:11

I have never had a problem with Musescore 3 with connecting to my Keyboard. In Musescore 4, it's says the name of the keyboard under I/O -> MIDI as Kord Triton Le Port, but note input only works ONE time. I'll input a note with my keyboard by playing and when I press the 'N' button or note input button off, it won't allow me to do input a second time. It doesn't matter if I open a new file, or close out of Musescore 4, or restart my computer. It works but only for 1 Note input session. Again, I've had no issues with Musescore 3 and can make songs very quickly with the keyboard, but now my progress is EXTREMELY slow. Let me know what you think.


If you attach your score and give precise steps to reproduce the problem, people will be able to understand and assist better. In general, though, MIDI not input hasn't really changed since MU3.

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