Cannot turn off voices in mixer

• Jan 23, 2023 - 21:20

Hello I am using Musescore 4.01 and I have two voices in one staff. I want to listen to voice #1 only. I looked up instructions in the handbook and notices that there is the capability to mute voices using the mixer. However when I open the mixer in 4.01 I do not see the ability to expand the parent track and see the mute function in the child track where is voice is. I don't even see the details section of the mixer.

Am I missing it on this new mixer? I have tried to select the tracks and the dropdowns that appear on rollover but cannot find the child tracks.

Please advise, thanks!

Attachment Size
mixer.jpg 63.18 KB
Voices.png 20.46 KB


I think you must be looking at an older version of the Handbook. There is indeed no control for that currently; instead you'd use the View / Selection Filter to select by voice then toggle the Play setting in the Properties panel.

Note that in your "Voices" image, it looks like you may be trying to "fake" rhythmic slash notation manually. Don't do that, just use the builtin facility under Tools (see the Handbook for more info, under alternative notations for MuseScore 4, or Tools for MuseScore 3).

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