Viola and Cello disrespect

• Jan 23, 2023 - 22:43

I use a lot of the four stringed orchestral instruments, and while I am aware that traditionally the violins have the melody and the violas and cellos have the harmonies, as a viola player, I like to change that up sometimes. But even when I'm not, and I just want harmonies, I can barely hear the violas and the cellos. I surprisingly do not have this problem with the basses (I used to in MuseScore 3). I've played with the mixer settings to make the violin and all other instruments quieter, but it has truly done little. Not sure if this is a bug or the software trying to simulate how it would sound in real life, because I am aware that the violin will probably drown out other instruments in real life too, but even so, for composing's sake, I need to be able to hear all of my instruments at once, not only the violin and not the violas and cellos.


Don't forget to pan instruments like they would be on stage. It is the purpose of the mixer to set general instrument volumes, also.

In reply to by bobjp

I get that that's what the mixer is for, I would just like so more consistency with the instruments. Like, I wish I wouldn't have to change it for every composition because otherwise I can't hear them at all. I'm okay with changing it, it's just annoying and I would like to see it fixed.

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