Removing Time Signature causes needless removal of line breaks

• Jan 24, 2023 - 05:19

though I do recognize the complexity of the matter, I don't always agree with MuseScore predilection for removing line breaks when the user adds or removes a time signature.

Consider the attached score. Open and delete the 3/4 time signature in Measure 3.


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Jojo wrote > Only when the time signatures are compatible, mathematical identical, this can get prevented.

Right, that's the understandable complexity I mentioned in my initial post.

Please note that the example score is an obvious case where the measures before and after the "meter change" are completely compatible (because they are the same meter) but MuseScore fails to take that into account. That's my main point here.


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Jojo wrote> System breaks are attached to barlines, barlines get regenerated when the time signature changes, so the system breaks get lost. And won't make sense at their old position anymore anyway.

Understood. But in simple cases—like changing from 4/4 to 2/4—the required logic wouldn't be very demanding.

Imagine a piece in 4/4 with four bars per line enforces by System Breaks. When MuseScore "converts" measures to the 2/4 signature it could move the System Break originally attached to Measure 4 to Measure 8, but measure 8 already has a System break, so just delete the break at Measure 4 ... and so on throughout the score. Each System break is moved from it's

Spacially speaking, if there was room for four bars of 4/4 on a line, it's almost certain that there's be room for the 4/4 material rebarred into eight bars of 2/4. So why not? It's just a matter of repositioning System breaks and deleting some. Just makes life easier for the scorist.


This might get fixed or it might not. In the meantime there is a work around that is far less steps than re-adding all the line breaks.
In your example I put notes in the measure you want to remove the 3/4 from.
C+P that measure to another place.
Re-select the measure.
Remove selected range.
Add a measure back in.
Paste the original measure back into the new measure.

Not what you are hoping for. But at least it is something.

You could also not worry about the number of measures per line until you are all done.

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