Ties on arpeggiated chords don't work in Muse 4

• Feb 11, 2023 - 00:06

I have some tied bass notes in my score which are not behaving correctly. The notes play, then when it gets to the first note they are tied to the sound cuts off. The problem is in measure 21 of the score I attached.

Attachment Size
urar.mscz 37.38 KB
problem.png 93.84 KB


In reply to by bobjp

The arpeggio is only visual, to show that the player should roll the notes (otherwise it is unplayable, seeing as it spans 2 octaves). I don't need it to play back.
More importantly, though, why should I have to remove the arpeggio for the ties to work? This is still a bug, and forcing me to remove elements of my score that I need doesn't solve anything.

The 2 measure 12's are also the result of a bug with the interaction between formatting elements, it seems. I fixed the problem temporarily by removing the line break at the first measure 12 and then putting it back. But upon saving and restarting MuseScore, the problem returns! See image. measure12.png

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