Multi measure repeats on MS4

• Feb 15, 2023 - 04:35

Hi. there was a workaround to apply multimeasure repats on MS3 where you would make the notes invisible and add a staff symbol. I have tried and it is not working in MS4. I have been able to add a 2 measure repeat but playback only repeats one last measure.
Anyone know how to fix this so that playback makes the repeat correctly? Or if the other way of hiding notes and adding ust the symbol is still possible? I have tried adding it from the symbols window by selecting the last note of the first measure to be repeated but the symbol is not getting inserted in the page.

Thanks in advance for your answers.


Please share a Mu3 score using that workaround

2 measure repeats don't currently work, playback wise, that's a known issue and in the works

The best way to do this in MU4 is to add the new supported symbol from the repeats palette with the measures empty. This will do the correct thing for notation. Then for playback, add a staff to the instrument and add the notes there, and set that staff invisible in the Instruments panel.

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