changing the default rest duration

• Feb 17, 2023 - 02:33

musescore makes rests whole rests by default in four four however id prefer if i could set the default rest length myself to something like a quarter rest rather than having to do it bar by bar manually for each piece


The default rest looks simialr to a whole rest, but it's not - it's a different thing called a "measure rest". The difference is a whole rest (which would be left-aligned) is always exactly four quarters in duration, whereas a measure rest (which is centered) takes the full length of the measure regardless of the time signature. This is normal and correct notation.

Changing the measure rest to a quarter wouldn't make sense, then you would have onlyone beat in the measure. I'm guessing you are misunderstanding something about how music notation works, or how MuseScore works, but it isn't clear what the confusion is. Please explain in more detail what you are trying to actually accomplish, and then we can understand and assist better. For instance, if you happen to have a measure that starts with a quarter rest, just enter it normally, while entering your music - notes and rests are entered together, left to right.

No, you don't have to do it bar by bar. If you set up a new blank score, press CTRL+A and after that "5". Do this twice and you'll have all measures with quarter rests.

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