"Editing tablature" Handbook 4 entry   —//— Request for Enter/Edit on hover

• Feb 21, 2023 - 05:45

The MuseScore 4 handbook section on Editing Tablature notation states:

    In note input mode: Position the cursor over the fret mark and type the desired number.

a) I assumed "position" meant "hover" the cursor over any fret mark. And THAT would be a GREAT feature for editing previously entered notes on the fly in Note Entry mode. And the process is "quieter" than clicking —it can be disconcerting to hear open strings ring out when I'm trying to hold a chord or melody in mind.

b) in note entry mode, while hovering over a fret mark, a typed a number only affects the selected number. So the wording Position the cursor over the fret mark must not mean hover.

c) I only see typed numbers replacing the selected numbers, regardless of mouse/cursor position. And selection is achieved only by clicking the fret number, and thereby replacing it with 0. So this certainly raises the question. Does "Position the cursor over the fret mark" actually mean "click the fret mark"?

Returning the a) ...

How great would it be if the scorist could type a number at any tablature staff hover point, whether a note existed there or not?
That would be a such a speedy technique for entry and edits.

Alternately, a tablature entry preference, to silence the entry of open strings. But I'd prefer the method just descibed.


For me it is even faster to enter the notes I want on a regular guitar staff. Then add a linked tab staff. Then delete the regular staff if I don't want it.

Do just the opposite to edit tab.

In reply to by bobjp

For the record, I use linked tablature staves 99% of the time. And I was using it at the time of my observations. And I switch freely between staves for note entry and editing.

But I’m not sure I follow your gist here. My opening post was about terminology used in the v4 Handbook, specifically: “Position the cursor over the fret mark and type the desired number.”

So the questions are:

    • What’s the fret number entry design intent?
    • Does the documentation properly describe the intent?
    • Is that behavior reflected in the application?

The really odd thing is, at one point, I thought I was able to hover the cursor over fret numbers and type to replace them. But I’ve never seen that since. Sadly, because it's such a great idea! Therefore I made a request for it.

MacOS 13.1 MS4.01

In reply to by bobjp

Just yesterday I updated parts of the MS4 Tablature entry. That's when I noticed the odd wording cited in the opening post.

But I don't think it's wise to update documentation unless I'm clear on a) the intended meaning of wording in the Handbook b) the design/function intent.

I also like to call on the use experience of others before coming to conclusions. So I'll wait to hear more from users (and others in the know) and then revisit updating the Handbook.


I'm not understanding your questions. Yes, you can position the cursor over any fret mark and type a new fretmark. This is unchanged from previous versions I don't understand your use of the term "hover" here, though - cursor position has nothing to do with the mouse. This section is literally talking about the note input cursor, not the mouse pointer.

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