Save always show the Save dialogue at the home directory with an empty name field

• Feb 21, 2023 - 07:16

Linux, version 4.0.1. If I open an MSCZ, it shows a warning that it is written with an earlier version of Muse. If I try to close the file, it asks if I want to save changes. If I do that, or just explicitly click File -> Save, it shows the system File dialogue at the home directory, regardless of the MSCZ file's current location, so I have to navigate to the directory where the MSCZ file is and select the original file in order to overwrite the file.

Is this a bug or an intended behaviour?

If it is intended, why not start at the MSCZ file's current location with the current file name in the Name field, so that just clicking [Save] would overwrite the file (maybe with an overwriting confirmation dialogue)?


"Is this a bug or an intended behaviour?"

It is indeed intentional, to prevent users from accidentally overwriting an existing score with a newer file format. That overwriting would render the score unreadable when using the earlier version of MuseScore. The message is to encourage the user to save the new-format file in a different folder from earlier-format files - and possibly to add an identifier to the newly saved file (e.g. My_Composition_MS4.mscz).

I doubt whether this behaviour will be changed. It's an important "wake up" to users.

For me (also oin Linux), hitting Save after opening an older file normally (eg, from File / Open) does start in the same folder and with the same filename pre-selected. And you do indeed get a warning it you try to overwrite. What window manager / desktop environment are you running?

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