For the left-most sticky part of Continuous view, how about using lower alpha?

• Feb 21, 2023 - 07:43

MuseScore allows users to set a custom colour for Paper. The default score background ("Paper") is white, but I find that is too bright for my eyes, so I set it to green.

The problem is that the left-most sticky part of Continuous view uses grey. That looks good when the Paper is white, but when the Paper has a different colour, it would look like this.

I don't know what others think but that looks kind of ugly. How about using lower alpha value for that part instead? It would look like this:



In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

I think those would not be a problem. At least, not any worse than the current grey colour. Here is a mock-up:


I attached the Krita file that has layers so that you can change the background colours and opacities.

By the way, when I tried to export the score as PNG, in the save dialogue, the file type was automatically set to "PNG", so I only typed a file name and export did not work. There was no error message, but nothing happened. I typed "filename.png", and then it worked. Isn't it a bug?

Attachment Size 733.07 KB

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

All black ones are using 38% of opacity (Krita's layer settings).

The white on black one is using 43% opacity. This white on black is only available when "Invert score" option is checked (otherwise notes are always black, regardless of the Paper colour), and whilst using the same 38% still makes notes legible, I thought in this dark inversion case, a slightly higher opacity looked better. Maybe something like 50%.


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