Recorder fingering

• Feb 28, 2023 - 20:54

Hi everyone

In this marvellous Musescore4 is it possible to have a recorder plugin to be installer,
as on the the previous versions?

Thank you for this so great tool for a musicien as well as a music teacher!


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

I'm not sure I understand the crux of the problem, but having created 3 custom fonts myself that I use in my plugins, even in the Musescore 4 version (although I've now abandoned it to go back to the previous version), I don't see where the problem lies. But maybe I'm missing some detail. This post is over 2 years old...not sure if the OP is still interested.

In reply to by yonah_ag

In fact, I took a look at your plugin and I saw that it comes with a ttf font, exactly like the ones I created and that are installed on the system. If your plugin requires you to add text elements to which you can assign this font, there is no problem, Musescore 4 'sees' all the fonts installed on the OS, and can easily use them. At least, that's how it is here, both in Linux and Windows... I don't know about Mac.

In reply to by graffesmusic

To verify this (and maybe you already have), just insert any text element into a score created with Musescore 4, and see if the desired one is present in the list of available fonts. If it is present and is shown, there should be no problem. It could be that the plugin contains the 'infamous' 'cmd' method, and in this case it will be necessary to change some lines of code; otherwise it should be sufficient to introduce those few essential changes to make it work in the new version.

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Woah, that's a quite a quick fix! Thanks everyone!
in my case I wanted to add a fingering to the treble clef's note.
sometimes I'd like to add the alto / bass fingerings as well, but it still helps me.

Sometimes I think I need to make a plugin for myself (or for everyone who needs) for educational purpose, as well as early music oriented notations...
need to look up for a reference.

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