[SOLVED] Ear midi note but not entering them

• Mar 18, 2023 - 01:01

EDIT : Solved, as MuseScore do not support midi routing, it was related to my MIDI configuration.


I just wonder if I can ear the notes I play on my midi keyboard "outside" of the input note mode. For example, I have 2 staves, one with a flute and another with a cello, I already wrote a cello part but I want to ear the notes I'm pressing on the keyboard before entering them into the score.

It's the kind of behaviour we can find in a DAW, for example, you arm your track (or it auto-arm when you select it) and you can ear the sound. Once you are ok with your phrase, you can either enter the step input mode (the same as MuseScore note input) or hit "REC" button and record your playing. I know MuseSCore isn't a real-time performance software, but such a feature would help a bit to compose faster.

I hope my query make sense, let me know if you want more detail.


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