MuseHub Behaviour / Windows 10

• Mar 25, 2023 - 04:03

While MuseScore 4.0.1 and 4.0.2 denies to run on my system itself, I had to install MuseHub, After that I found out that it's a very convenient way to manage MuseSounds. After I was done, I've disabled MuseHub on startup and community acceleration, but a background service remained.

Confidently, I went to msconfig and unchecked MuseHub service (see image). After I hit apply, the checkbox has been checked again! I've never seen this-like behavior before.

Well, I went to Task Manager and realized how much memory does this service consume! Not a problem, I pressed "Open file location" and realized that the app placed itself in the "Windows Apps" folder, which is protected from user interferences. Obviously, I was stopped from deleting the service file (see images).

Of course, that's not a big problem to remove this file using Powershell, but why should we all do that?! These are the same people who created a wonderful open source MuseScore and more! Or I've mistaken? Probably people who only use Windows computer to create scores won't care about exceeding traffic coming out of their devices?!

Moreover, if I end this background task and don't restart device, MuseScore launches normally, which means that MuseHub has some another module that protects MuseScore from crashing on my particular computer, which doesn't have to always run in background. After uninstalling MuseHub, the initial problem returns.

I'm lacking of words about this. If someone wants to provide a solution - Windows 10 22H2 19045.2673, all updated.

Attachment Size
msconfig.png 46.68 KB
folder.png 136.77 KB
access.png 21.23 KB


In reply to by Jm6stringer

Thanks, but this is not I'm looking for.
My situation consists of the following:
1. Running a MuseScore installer (without MuseHub option) proceeds successfully, but upon launching MuseScore splash screen appears and then the task ends.
2. After installing it with MuseHub, it launches normally.
4. After disabling all the MuseHub services (including this background one), but not deleting it, MuseScore still behaves as it should without background service triggered.
5. Nonetheless, after deleting MuseHub (just simple uninstalling, without registry tweaks), a problem with crashing MuseScore returns.

I make a decision, that MuseHub has some file or service that is triggered by MuseScore startup and helps it to start successfully on my particular computer. Probably the installer (without MuseHub option) lacks something? If I've mistaken, please tell me, because I'd have to fix this as soon as possible, unless I will have to keep this traffic monster.

In reply to by [DELETED] 37736720

If it helps at all, I do this:
I only use the Hub to check for updates.
I start the Hub from the Start Menu. I click on Check for updates. When I'm done, I select Quit.
Yes, there is a background service running. It uses .1% memory. Far less than other services.
Yes, the hub is designed to run all the time and update things automatically, but updates only take a moment or two. I don't think there is a need to have it active all the time.

Honestly the entire idea of having some kind of background service like MuseHub constantly running is unnecessary and objectionable IMO. We used to call these TSRs going back to DOS and they've always been the province of more aggressive and obnoxious software agents. Why does MuseScore need something like this when I have dozens of other applications whose developers don't see fit to glom up user's systems with these things? This is one of those practices that is more along the lines of companies like Adobe who reach into system with long and unwelcome tentacles. Certainly doesn't jive with the whole open source ethos, at all.

Just having a TSR is bad enough, but this behavior of restarting itself when expressly told to quit, which I'm also experiencing, is even worse.

I just realized my Windows 11 system was idling at 15% CPU plus even with no applications running, and unable to determine what was using up my battery. I finally gave up trying to track it down and selected all non-Microsoft services and stopped them. I thought I ran a pretty clean machine but these things creep in from various sources. Now my machine is back to under 1% at idle. Sad to say, one of those TSRs I put the kaibosh on was MuseHub. Unfortunately it seems to be the only way to download MuseSounds and keep MuseScore itself up to date. Surely there's got to be an alternate way of doing these things (as most other creative applications like this seem to find a way to do.)

It's to the point where I am now uninstalling MuseHub and only reinstalling when there seems to be an update that's worth downloading. Very unfortunate I need to do this.

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