Plugin API: Parts and Tracks

• Apr 6, 2023 - 00:26

(1) Does Part 0 always contain the first stave on the page?
(2) Is Track 0 guaranteed to be in Part 0 or can the track number and part number change independently?


I'm not sure to completely understand your question.
What I can tell is that track 0 is the first voice of the first instrument available(*) on "part" (**)

(*): be it visible or not.
(**) : "part" being here the main score or excerpt

E.g. The same note on appears as "track=0" on its dedicates part:
part4.png track0.png

and as "track=8" on the main score :
part0.png tarck8.png

In reply to by parkingb

Thanks, that is what I am asking, although by parts I only meant different instrument staves in a main score, (guitar part, oboe part, cello part etc). I have never used the type of multi-tabbed parts seen in your pics.

So, if I understand correctly, moving an instrument up or down in the Instruments dialogue will change its part number in the main score and also its corresponding track numbers.

In reply to by yonah_ag

> So, if I understand correctly, moving an instrument up or down in the Instruments dialogue
> will change its part number in the main score and also its corresponding track numbers.
Definitely. by +- 4. (so track 0 (i.e. voice 1 of first staff) could become 4, 8, ...)

I recommend you using an analyser plugin to understand how every thing reacts when moving/hiding instruments, when dealing with multi-voices, or parts ("excerpts" in the API language). There are several such plugin.
The one I used for the screenshots is my own analyser Element Analyser.

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