Notes dissapear

• Sep 29, 2014 - 11:09

Hi everyone,

can somebody explain me why, in the attachment below, if I remove measure 41 by deleting it, notes also dissapear in m. 42?
I clear 41, (Voice, Sopr. or Alto.) and m. 42 isn't complete anymore.
This is in Musescore 1.3, but it also happens in Beta 2.0.


Attachment Size
De Dóós Nieuw 1.mscz 13.09 KB


I don't see this, in 1.3 selecting the measure 41 and hitting Ctrl-Del removes is without any ill effect on measure 42. What does (wrongly) disappear though is the 4/4 timesig change.
That problem does not happen in the latest nightly build though

I, too, can "see" the disappearing notes. The reason is that measure 41 has become corrupted. This seems to happen sometimes in 1.x when time signatures have been changed.

As an experiment I changed some notes and rests to half-note (minim) length and find too many notes in the bar despite it claiming to be 4 beats nominal, 4 beats actual - ergo my reason for stating that measure 41 is corrupt.

Usual remedy is to insert a few empty measures further on, make sure that they are correct and then re-write the notes in to them and completely delete the corrupt measure and its neighbours either side.

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