hiding specific number of systems of a voice.Help! msc3

• May 5, 2023 - 15:51

Heloo there. I am aware of ''hide when empty'' option in staff/part properties, but i dont want to hide when empty always. for example, i want a specific voice, lets say it voice 1, to be hidden when empty for the first part of my piece, but for the second part of my piece i want it to be visible even if it is empty.

I have also tried ''measure properties''--> staves --> voice 1 visible-->unchecked'' for the meters i want to be hidden, but doing so, the general file is behaving like it is not hidden. The spacing between systems does not become smaller (due to the fact a specific system of voice 1 dissappeared) and also the name of the voice 1 in the right side is still visible. I want to be able to hide specific systems of a specific voice and msc treat that as it is really hidden.

Any ideas about that?

Thank you in advance!


Don't confuse voice (1-4, per staff) with (human) voice (Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Bass), which in MuseScore terms is rather an instrument or part, using a single staff.

There is no option in measure properties to hide voices within a staff, and also, voices have nothing to do with meters, so I think you are confused about something, but it isn't clear what. Please attach your score and explain in more detail what you are having trouble with, so we can understand and assist better.

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