auto format

• May 16, 2023 - 00:15

I am trying to help a friend with writing her music but the auto formatting won't let me do what I am trying to do. it is nice in helping but need to turn it off to make the adjustments I need. can't delete the rest to change the 16th to an 8th.

Attachment Size
Capture.PNG 9.6 KB


"auto-format" isn't really a thing and you can't, therefore, turn it off. MuseScore starts with a whole-measure rest and you place the notes where they belong and MS adjusts the remaining time in the measure to the appropriate rests. Enter notes properly and it does its job. If you have entered them wrongly you may still be able to salvage the situation by using Copy and Paste. Is what you really want to cut and paste to achieve something like the attached file?

Attachment Size
temp.mscz 5.46 KB

In reply to by underquark

That is an auto format because it is automatically adjusting to the time in the measure and formatting it according to the time in measure. I need to fix this but it is being a pain by not letting me delete a rest so I can adjust the rest of the notes accordingly. I have tried many different ways and end up with a rest in there still.

In reply to by jamesbessinas

This isn't "formatting", this is simply the normal rules music notation. Formatting is things like how much space exists before or after a note, not things how many beats are in a measure. That is fixed. As mentioned, you can move notes but deleting rests would leave too few beats. So simply move the notes you want to move, leaving the number of beats alone.

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