Sostenuto Pedal Markings

• May 18, 2023 - 16:09

Musescore 3 provided the option to include specific pedal markings, such as sostenuto. Is this no longer possible?


There has never been direct support for this, but I guess you were adding damper pedal markings then changing the text, so they still act like damper pedal but at least look like sostenuto? The better way, though, it probably with a plain staff text line so it doesn't play back at all. Or just add the Sost from the Symbols palette.

If there is a special look you are having trouble achieving, attach an example so we can understand and assist further.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Ah thanks, that was a good suggestion! So now when I want to add a Sostenuto Pedal to my score I can always add it directly from the palette and also add a pedal line without text. I just have to adjust every pedal marking manually..
Seems to be a good workaround, but it would be way easier to have a normal Sostenuto Pedal in the "Keyboard palette" or at least to be able to edit the Pedal "text" in the properties..

In reply to by John Hook

Why add the pedal line without text? I thought the point would be that you didn't want the full damper pedal effect? But additional line options are coming soon, not sure if alternate text for pedal specifically is already in the design or not.

Presumably at some point in the future true sostenuto pedal might be supported for playback, and that's when I'd expect to see a palette element added for it.

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Currently the pedal lines are special-cased in the Properties panel for easy access for the pedal and rosette symbols specifically - eliminating the need for, but also possibility of, dealing with specific “sym” tags. Which is another - aside from playback - why I’d recommend a standard line instead of a pedal line. 4.0.2 is a bit limited there too but 4.1 definitely has all the needed controls already.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

I now had some time to try out different options. Adding a "Sost" symbol works fine, also having it directly accessable in a palette works for me. Now I would like to add a line indicating how long the Sost. pedal is held. For me it's just for optics, not for playback.

When you take a normal text line, Musescore adds it above the staff and when I change it to under the staff, the end hook is still facing downwards with no possibility to chang it upwards (see attached picture). Nevertheless I have the option to add some text directly to it, even the keyboardPedalS Jojo suggested (see picture). But unfortunately the text would be located at the incorrect hight for me (see picture) and it's not possible to change its location because it's attached to the textline.

When you take a pedal line, it's located under the staff and the end hook is pointing in the right direction, upwards. Unfortunately, there is no "text" option in the properties panel (see picture), where I could change the "Ped" to "Sost". And if I do the workaround with the "Sost" symbol and a pedal line without text, you have to adjust both seperately whitch would be ok, but if the line hangs over to the next system there is of course no text indicator like "(Sost)" (see picture).

In my eyes it would be the easiest and best solution to add a text panel to the pedal line properties panel. It would solve so many difficulties. Could this be something I can look forward in one of the next updates of Musescore?

In reply to by John Hook

MuseScore 4.1 already implements most of the needed changes to the Properties panel for lines. In particular, you will be able to set the hooks correctly for text lines, which again are really the right mechanism here right now since the pedal line will have the wrong playback effect. So, you'll be able to create the desired line, flip it below the staff, then add it back to your palette for easy reuse.

It's not impossible that more options would be added to the Properties panel for pedal specifically, but probably not random text, more likely as specific sostenuto option would be added that would actually trigger correct playback, and not require uses to know the arcane details of SMuFL "sym" tags.

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