8th, 16th, 32nd, and 64th notes playback

• Jun 15, 2023 - 20:29

I'm new to Musecore and the only reason I need it is so I'm able to add sounds to instruments I add into my games. But, I've noticed when I'd use the 8th and 16th note they sound like whole notes but with waves. Is there a way to make it so those notes sound better? Thanks. (this is resolved now, i wasn't paying attention to the sounds and instead on something completely different)


It's not clear what you mean - these notes should sound exactly as written. Also note sure what you mean by "waves". Please attach your score and say which specific note(s) you are having trouble with.

In reply to by [DELETED] 67657234

The 8th and 16th notes sound fine to me. It's difficult to play 32nd and 64th notes at that pitch on a trombone and still separate all the notes. Now, I'm using MS Basic sounds but it might be different with MuseHub especially if there is a high reverb component. Choice of instrument and soundfont make a big difference.

In reply to by [DELETED] 67657234

is there a reason you attached a MusicXML file instead of your actual score? It's impossible to tell if there is something wrong with your score settings from just an exported file; the actual score is better. Anyhow, it sounds pretty much as expected to me, givien the fact that it's virtually impossible for a trombone to repeat a note that fast.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

i couldnt find the verification in my gmail so I just exported it as a musicXML lol
but I replied to a different commentor with "Now the notes sound fine to me, I was just distracted on something while composing and I just completely ignored how the notes were coming out so they just sounded off at the moment. Also, I noticed it sounds better when the sound around me are quieter so I can actually hear the notes."

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