In MuseScore 4, why does staccato not affect the length of a tied note?

• Jun 20, 2023 - 16:31

The four notes all sound the same in MuseScore 3.
In MuseScore 4, the 3rd note is longer and not affected by staccatos, no matter on which of the tied notes I place it.

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In reply to by kaktuswurzel9

Actually, your staccato dotted notes don't really make sense either. Take a quarter note and play it longer, but also play it shorter? If you care about the specific durations, best to just notate them directly, by putting the exact duration you want and filling the gaps with rests. If you are OK with people choosing for themselves how short is short, notate with quarters where possible, eighths where not, and add the staccato.

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