Make more palettes available within a workspace?

• Jun 21, 2023 - 00:26

I would like to access fingerings from the basic palettes (in Musescore 3). Is this possible?

Is there a way to copy the "fingerings" section from the advanced "palettes" to the basic "palettes"?

BTW the nomenclature is rather confusing. There are feature sets (barlines, clefs etc.) which are referred to individually as "palettes", but there are also groups of these (basic, advanced, custom) but there is not a term dedicated to naming these groups. Instead, the term "palettes" is used both for the feature sets and for groups of them. This makes the topic difficult to discuss, and makes the documentation difficult to search.


You wrote:
I would like to access fingerings from the basic palettes (in Musescore 3). Is this possible?

There are two default workspace presets: Basic and Advanced.
Basic can be regarded as Advanced, but with a number of palettes hidden.
To "unhide" the Fingerings palette:
If you cannot see 'Add Palettes' at the top of the palettes list, close the 'Search' box.

The thing you are calling a "group of feature sets" is called a workspace. That's the term used in the UI itself (in the View menu as well as the "+" control next to the dropdown where you select between basic and advanced and other custom workspaces. In the old MU3, there was indeed no label on the dropdown itself, but that wads fixed long ago for MU4.

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