Key Signature Resetting/Changing When Inserting a Measure Before Measure 1

• Jul 14, 2023 - 17:21

The issue: when I insert [Ins] a new measure at the beginning of the score (when in the open/atonal key) it changes the key signature back to Concert C.

Steps to replicate: open musescore 4> new score> choose instruments> add horn in F and piano> select any key signature to create the score> click done> on the score screen change the key signature to "open/atonal"> press [Ins] on the first measure of the score> key has now switched to C Major

I am using the most recent version of Musescore 4 (4.1.0) but this was also happening before downloading the update today.
This will happen repeatedly when adding new measures before measure 1 when the key is set to open/atonal (like, no matter how many times I set it to open/atonal, if I insert a new measure again it will change it back to C Major)

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