stems up with accents above notes

• Jul 23, 2023 - 21:55

when I enter the note and change the stem direction to up it won't allow the accent to show above the note and places the accent below the note. Can I have stems up with accents above the note?


Select the accent, press X on the keyboard.
Or to apply to all accents: right-click one accent > Select > Similar, press X on the keyboard.

I assume you mean a drum part? To force stems up, click the edit drumset button and custom it there - much simpler than manually flipping notes one by one.

For accents you can flip one manually, then click the "..." button in the Properties panel next to the placement setting, then click the "Save as default" button. Or, if you other instruments are involved - they should keep the normal defaults - you can add one customized accent to the palette with Ctrl+Shift+drag. Have one you add for other instruments, this one for drums.

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