Please add Folders to the score window

• Aug 4, 2023 - 05:54

Can we get a folder system in the score window to organize files?


Do you mean on the Scores page when you first open MuseScore?
There is already a button at bottom right of the screen captioned Open other.... Using that button opens the folder structure for you to navigate when opening a score.

And if by "organize" you mean copy, move or delete files, then that's a job for your OS's file manager.

In reply to by DanielR

Yes, I mean when I first open the app on the Scores page there are thumbnails for all of the scores I have opened. I can see this becoming a very dense screen of icons over time. I am suggesting a Folder object on that page so I can group scores together, independent of the filesystem folders. It seems like a reasonable feature.

In reply to by bill0287

You wrote:
I can see this becoming a very dense screen of icons over time.

This makes me wonder whether the number of those "New and recent" thumbnails have a limit. In other words, showing thumbnails of all scores ever opened would eventually preclude many as no longer being "New & recent".
There has been some discussion in the forum about having the ability to clear selected scores rather than having to use File > Open recent > Clear recent files, which removes them all.

I'd have a related feature request--to be able to change the sort order from (I'm assuming) most recently accessed to score name. That would be a fairly simple feature to add, I hope.

There don't seem to be any organizational tools at all in the Scores window other than New & Recent and Online Scores, which limits is usefulness. There is a button to open the online Scores Manager, but I don't see any way to open scores in the app from there. I suppose this makes sense if saving scores online is intended only for publishing. Given the prominence of the Save Online option, I took it to be a way of keeping my score library in the cloud.

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