Save score dialog shows strange squares

• Aug 4, 2023 - 11:35

Hello, I am trying musescore 4.1.1-1 on archlinux for the first time as a former big user of musescore 3 and it's extremely buggy, when I try to save a score, the dialog shows only squares as if I was missing a font for special characters but I have all the fonts installed, even the ones for dead languages such as egyptian hieroglyphics. Another issue is that when I change the tempo on the score, it stays the same on the playback which is pretty annoying. I added a screenshot

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2023-08-04_12-34.png 70.77 KB


4.1.1-1 on archlinux

That -1 os a tell-tale sign that you're not using the AppImage but something from somwhere else than

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

I'm using what comes bundled with my package manager pacman. The -1 is just a package release number, it allows people to rerelease corrections on a package without having to change the version as the version is supposed to be the version of the software and not the version of the package. Also, on the download page it shows archlinux with the package I installed

I have the same exact problem (Arch Linux + Wayland + Gnome) with package versione 4.1.1-2. And the AppImage suggest is working also for me.
I tried to report a bug for the package, but my issue has been closed immediately saying it isn't a package issue.......

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