Playback from selected note only works once in musescore 4
Hello. I tried switching to Musescore 4 and overall, I like it, but there is one glaring thing that's making it nearly impossible for me personally to use.
In Musescore 3, when you would select a note, playback would always begin there. If I had the first note selected in a measure and hit space, it would start at that note. If I hit space 2 more times, it would stop the first time, and then start again - on the selected note.
In Musescore 4, it works just right the first time - it starts on the selected note, just like it used to. However, if I pause and play again, it just continues playback from where I last stopped. This is extremely irritating to me, as I often used selected notes as a sort of "quick loop point."
Is there any setting to re-enable legacy playback controls? This is SUCH a minor thing but makes the program immensely harder to work with for me!
No setting that I know of. It's hard to say if this will be changed. The playback engine for MU4 is very different from MU3.