Musescore playback

• Aug 25, 2023 - 19:07

I was curious as to why the playback on one of my files has changed from the new musescore 4 playback to the old musescore 3 playback. I have a large orchestral double marimba concerto and the playback sounds very different from musescore 3 to musescore 4 and I was curious how I change the file back to musescore 4 playback.

Hudson Toler

Attachment Size
Marimba Concerto No.1.mscz 116.83 KB


I don't know of any button that will change all the instruments at once. Maybe someone does know. In the meantime you'll need to change each one in the mixer. Mouse over the right side of each channel where it says MS Basic , select the down arrow and scroll down to Muse Sounds.

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