Creating bongo instrument from wavs

• Sep 3, 2023 - 02:13

Hi there,
To help me learn and notate bongos I'm trying to create a better(more sounds) bongo instrument for my musescore 4.
I'd like to create a 2 line percussion bongo instrument.
Containing: stroke,flick, heel, mute, open, rimshot, rub, slap, toe etc for both high and low, "toms".
I found a decent collection of wavs here

and using linux Swami created the soundfont(be nice its my first try at this and I know I have it wrong) attached zip.
It contains 9 sounds for each tom which I believe I have mapped out to the keyboard notes.
Unfortunately im not sure how to stop it resampling the pitch. for eg its recorded at say C4 pitch but I want to map it to C3 key without changing its pitch. Anyway thats a side issue.

What I can't quite work out is how to then create an instrument that pops up in the MS list so I can use it.
I can see my soundfont Bongos9 in the mixer view and replaced the default with mine and can using the piano keyboard trigger the expected bongo sounds...
But if I change in swami the instrument to percussion MS does not list the soundfont any longer.

I also dont see how to map or create the drumset so I can define shortcuts etc in edit drumset.

really struggling here, would appreciate any help.

Attachment Size 2.52 MB


A bit of an update. I think I worked out how to map the pitch in the soundofnt
In swami:
look at the sample and read the peak freq in the FFT. eg openhigh bongo was G5.
Make sure the Root note/properties match this.
Now when you load the sample into the instrument folder you assign the root note here to be where you want it on the keyboard for eg note 60 and limit the "red bar" to just that one note.
Repeat for the other sounds. Add instrument to melodic presets.Save file.
In Musescore:
Using Mixer replace bongos with bongos9 soundfont.
I created a drum style by editing drumset Bongos, editing and adding the note maps for the various sounds matching the Swami instrument and saving as Bongos9.
When you want to use the new bongos be sure to edit drumset and load bongos9.
I have some tweaking todo but basically it works.
So Bongos-9.sf2 lives in Musecore4/Soundfonts
bongos9.drm lives in Musecore4/Styles

Is it the right way? that I do not know.

Attachment Size 2.48 MB
bongos9.drm 4.95 KB
Bongo test.mscz 16.53 KB

In reply to by vector180

Pretty sure you've got it right. The drum palette is....interesting to work with. I was going down the same path as you late last night. I had to stop and go to bed, But as near as I can tell, yes you have to edit the palette to match your new font.

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