Font size reverts back to default after chord text has been edited

• Sep 8, 2023 - 06:31

I have a chord. Size 12 font. I change it. Now it's size 10 font.
Musescore 4.1


Are you changing the font size in the Properties panel?
Or are you choosing Format > Style... > Text Styles > Chord Symbol > change font size > press OK ?

In reply to by DanielR

I'm changing it in the Properties panel, which, IMO, should override the format > style > text styles etc.

Here's the exact use case:
- I created a lead sheet.
- changed font size for the chords by selected all the chords and changing the font size in the properties panel
- transposed the lead sheet for different instruments
- edited the chord spelling to eliminate undesirable enharmonics like B# etc
- encountered bug described above

In reply to by -Stef-

Actually, if you want to change the chord symbol font size globally in your score (i.e., for all instances of chord symbols), you can use Format > Text styles > Chord symbol.
The ellipsis' option provided in the Properties panel is a convenience - to save a trip to the Format menu - because sometimes all the chord symbols may not need to be made larger (or smaller).

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