triplet help

• Sep 14, 2023 - 18:04

Trying to setup triplet quarter notes to a 4/4 as it is written in the score, but it defers to 1/8 notes. Can anyone guide me as to how to do this in MuseScore?


Start by selecting a half note or half note rest then press CTRL+3. The way it works is that you start by selecting a note or rest that has the same duration as the whole triplet that you want to create and then pressing CTRL+3 subdivides that duration into 3 equal parts - similarly for other -tuplets e.g. CTRL+5 will subdivide your selected note or rest into 5 equal parts.


In reply to by SteveBlower

Yeah - I found a video on youtube that explained what I was doing wrong. I was going with a quarter rest and trying to put the triplet quarter notes in that instead of putting the triplets on the half rest. Once I understood the "math logic" behind it, I figured it out. Thanks

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