Up/down octave shortcut?

• Sep 16, 2023 - 23:29

In orchestrating pieces with a lot of different parts in Musescore 4.1.1, I often find I want to take some part's line and assign another part to double it an octave or two lower or higher. Right now this is not too hard: copy, paste, Tools -> Transpose, click "By interval", click on the dropdown, go all the way down to the dropdown option for "perfect octave", OK, done.

But I can't help thinking this must be a common enough operation that other folks might have wished for a macro for it. Is there a way to customize the UI to shorten the steps after the copy-paste to a single click? Or can one change the Transpose menu defaults to at least get rid of the need to click "By interval" and scroll through the whole dropdown? Or should I file a feature request for one or both of these things?


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