Fixing Clipping, choppy, stuttering audio in MuseScore 4 (Windows 10)

• Oct 13, 2023 - 03:01

From the inception of MuseScore, many users have complained about suddenly getting clipping audio play back whenever listening to their score or simply adding notes into their composition. Thankfully I have found yet another possible solution that has personally helped me out. (Scroll to last paragraph to see solution and skip explanation)

Clipping audio in MuseScore 4 is general caused by buffer length, having a short buffer length means that the audio processing software that determines what noises to play at what time, with what dynamic and with what articulation has less time to figure out all of those things precisely, leaving holes in your audio. But by increasing the buffer length of your score to a higher value, you allow more time for the software to calculate and produce an accurate sound, hopefully filling out the rest of the sound, AKA, no more weird awful playback. HOWEVER! you have most definitely already tried this solution, so I've found another thing that could possibly be causing the holes in your audio.

Audio quality could just be the culprit for your failing playback. Audio quality is measured in Hz, and if you're like me, you have decided to turn your audio setting to the max to ensure you are getting the most out of your $50 headphones. However, this comes with the cost of making it VERY hard for the limited resources given to MuseScore 4 to compute that HD audio and send it through your headphones. So, could turning this Hz value down lessen the load on Musecore 4 and allow it to play back properly? Yes!

Navigate to your taskbar
Right click on the speaker icon and select "Sounds"
-A window should pop up
At the top of the new window, look for "Play Back"
Select the audio device that is used by your system and select "Properties"
-Another window should pop up
At the top of the new window, look for "Advanced"
-Once you are at the advanced tab, you are able to change the format of your audio device
(if your audio device is on the highest setting, you can bet it is what's causing your playback problems)

Now all you need to do is change the quality of your audio device and boom! you are now ready to test your changes and make 'beautiful' music once again! If this solution didn't work for you, please keep looking for that one forum post that could change everything, never give up on the things you love and keep fighting for your right to creative freedom! I wish you the best on your journey and I hope this post helped you at least a little bit!


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