Sorting scores in Mac/desktop app

• Oct 15, 2023 - 22:30

I don't see any way to change the score sort order in the desktop app from most recent. This seems like a pretty basic feature, and I'm hoping I just missed it--can anyone tell me how to do this.

Note: I did see that it's possible to sort scores in the mobile app and some score manager pages but not all. I'm scratching my head at that one.


What you see in Recent is not a scores folder. They are links to the scores in your actual scores folder. Or wherever you saved them. Sometimes useful. Sometimes not.

In reply to by bobjp

Well, it's a list of scores—I didn't actually call it a folder, because I see it's a list of recent scores, as you say. I was referring specifically to the list of cloud scores, and if MuseScore wants us to sync our scores to the cloud (which it appears they do), it would be helpful to be able to organize them better. I'm an IT geek as well as a musician, and I like to be organized. You might even say I'm a bit OCD. My psychiatrist does. :-P

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