Bloated score file size (MS3)

• Oct 22, 2023 - 17:29

The score linked below is abnormally large.
The MSCZ file is 470 KB and the MSCX is a only bit smaller at 303 KB.
The header banner is 34 KB so I don't know what's causing the bloat.


Any ideas what could be causing this?


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

How strange. It's a short piece and the image file should only be 34 KB. Most of my scores have this format and they are around 60 to 100 KB. Sounds like something has gone wrong. The image was originally a 400 KB png file but I realised and swapped in the 34 KB jpg.

I have just tried without the image and the file still 470 KB so something has gone astray. I'll inspect the mscx to see if I can work it out.

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