A really big issue

• Oct 22, 2023 - 21:19

I have been with this issue for aprox. 3 weeks.
The thing is: My Musescore 4.1 has not been reproducing playback, also when I put a note on a stave it does not make any type of sound. The mixer says playback is working but I don't hear it.
I have tried at least 5 times resetting to factory settings.
I also use soundfonts, and I think that is the thing that causes this error.
Anyways, is there solution to this?, if yes, thanks

Attachment Size
test.mscz 16.69 KB


Nothing wrong with that score from what I can see. It plays back fine. Maybe check your sound settings in MuseScore. They work separately from your system audio settings. You might not have the right output device selected.

Edit -> Preferences -> I/O

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