Will there be a 2.0 beta 2?

• Oct 6, 2014 - 21:13

Will there be a 2.0 beta 2 before the release candidate (or the full version) which will include the bug fixes that have been made so far?
Or can I assume that a current nightly build should be more bug-free and stable than the 2.0 beta 1?
Can you especially recommend any nightly build version for working on new scores in the meantime?


Yes, there will be a beta 2. Even a third if necessary. There is no date for it though.
The nightly are perfect to give feedback on the bugs that have been recently fixed and help us finding the remaining bug.
No, I can't recommend any nightly build to work on new scores in the meantime. If you wonder about this, you should probably stick with MuseScore 1.3.

I will just add that in my experience, each nightly is better than the last, and any are better than the Beta 1. A ton of bugs have been fixed, and if a few new ones were introduced along the way and not fixed yet, it should still be a net win to use the latest in virtually all cases (as in, I don't know of any exceptions yet).

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