My online Score - Musescore 4

• Oct 26, 2023 - 11:23

Dear all,

I'm able to save my music sheets online from web site, but I'm not able to retrieve them throw Musescore app 4 and edit.

Message with pending acceptance via mail appear, but no mail from Musescore to "activate" the function. Spam checked.

Could you please help me?

I need to publish music sheets in order to work on them from different computer



You are at This site deals only with the free notation software available here:
If you are looking to add chord symbols to your score, or adding/deleting instruments, or making more systems fit onto a page, or transposing a score, etc... this is the place.

On the other hand...
Scores which are uploaded/downloaded online are handled by the folks over at

Regarding your situation, and, writing here strictly from a .org perspective, the answer to:
Could you please help me?
I need to publish music sheets in order to work on them from different computer. to simply copy your scores onto a usb stick which you can then use to work from different computers - even if that computer has no internet access!

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