Why can't I change noteheads in this *one* octave?

• Oct 26, 2023 - 12:56

EDIT: Bug Fixed, Issue Closed.

Hi all, I am fully stumped and I wonder if you can help me.

The attached plugin is supposed to change note in a certain octave to a certain head shape. (check https://figurenotes.org/ for the details) - and for the plugin I posted, it works for all but one of the head shapes.

If you check the qml file at line 102:

if (note.pitch >= 48) {note.headGroup = 17;} //not working in MS4

That line doesn't work but all the line around it do, changing the 17 to any of the other headGroup numbers that DO work, also doesn't work.

Am I missing something here? I would love to be pointed in the right direction to get it to work properly.

Could you help?


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