I need help finding this one music notation.

• Oct 29, 2023 - 01:06

There is this one music notation that for the life of me I could not find. I do not know the name, but I know what it does, and it apparently makes the note at the last second slide up but, even though it looked and appeared to be one of the glissandi slide out and up but when I put it on the note it did not work. Please help.


In reply to by bandymakesmusic

As msfp • mentioned, portamento?

You may have to notate the leading note with more than one note for it to work properly. Example: If it is attached to a whole note, you may have to notate it as a 1/2 note double dotted and then add the last eighth and apply the portamento to it.

Otherwise, please describe your need in more detail. Example: does it connect to the next note?

In reply to by bandymakesmusic

In what way did it not work? I assume you are talking about the playback of the Doit symbol. Does the Doit symbol look like what you wanted, but the playback does not sound the way you intended?

Do you know what you would want it to look like? Can you draw it by hand and take a picture? Or are you more focused on the playback aspect and would be happy with any type of notation that sounds right?

If the problem is that the note is not held long enough before the uppward slide, one way might be to use a tie. First a long note tied to a shorter note that has the doit.

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