Scores and Musecores Folders

• Nov 10, 2023 - 11:34

Why these two folders? I find some of my scores in one folder and others in the other folder. I am confuse, I don't understand the sense of it. May anyone explain to me, please?


Can you give the names (and path) of the folders where you found your scores?

In general: MuseScore saves the scores in your documents folder where there is a subfolder called MuseScoreX (X is the major version number of Musescore). And there in turn is a subfolder called "Scores".
Of course you may save your scores in any folder you like using 'Save as'.
And you can specify a different default folder in "Edit/Preferences/General".
This is completely up to you!

It may be slightly different depending on your operating system, and the names may be different depending on your computer's language settings.

"Why these two folders?"

Which two folders? You need to explain in more detail.

If you look in Edit > Preferences > General > Folders, you will see the default folders which MuseScore uses for various types of file. The folder structure for my computer has been shortened in the image, to keep it simple:

In the Scores folder there is also a sub-folder named .msbackup - if you cannot see it, you need to make hidden files visible in your computer's operating system.

In the folder .msbackup you will probably find some backup files, where the filename starts with a full stop (dot, period) and ends with a tilde (∼). For example:

To use a backup file, you should first rename the file by removing the leading dot and the trailing tilde.

In reply to by francoran53

I do it a little differently: I have created further subfolders in the score folder, one for each piece of music. In addition to the actual score, this also contains, for example, the exported audio file, the excerpts for the individual instruments and, if applicable, the PDF template from which I took it.

Everyone will handle it a little differently.

In reply to by francoran53

The only way I can explain this is that you have created this folder 'MuseScores' yourself and saved the files in it with "Save as".

Move the files to the 'Scores' folder using the file manager and then delete the empty folder.
Or copy the files into 'Scores', so you still have a backup.

In reply to by francoran53

Yes, this should work.

For the sake of completeness: Somebody posted these paths which are used by Musescore4 to save and backup scores (Windows):
If a file gets lost, also check these folders, but here the file names are cryptical.

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