On linux MuseScore 4 Appimage, the MIDI in and out object is not created (nor alsa neither jack).

• Nov 14, 2023 - 19:04

Hi, my name is Antonio.

I am using an Ubuntu 22.04 desktop machine. The MuseScore version I am using is: Core i3-2100 3.10Ghz x4 CPU. 16gb ram. 1tb ssd drive and AMD Cedar Graphics.
The problem, when I run MuseScore 4, is that no MIDI in/out object is created. So when I try to play a score, I do not get any sound coming out of the speakers.

I hope you have a chance to fix the issue, so I can use this improved version of an already outstanding program.

Have a nice day.
Luis Antonio Becerra Bárcenas
Prepa en Línea-SEP (High School) Student


Can you explain what sort of "MIDI in/out object" you are expecting? MuseScore normally plays directly through the configured audio system on your computer - ALSA, etc. There are certain configurations know to know work correctly on Linux, but I'm not enough of an expect to advise. i can just say, try switching between alsa, pulse, pipewire, etc - at least one of them should work.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

My mistake. I thought MIDI output could be played with an external MIDI device, such as a hardware MIDI synth or a software synth like Qsynth. So I was expecting a MIDI output available to connect it with jack (that is what I meant by MIDI object). Sorry for not being clear at explaining it.

Thanks a lot for caring and describing that I should try different linux audio technologies. Hopefully, one will work for me. First, I have to figure out how to disable pipewire, then, I will try: alsa, jack and pulse audio.

Have a good night.

Luis Antonio Becerra Bárcenas
Prepa en Línea-SEP (High School) Student

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