
• Nov 15, 2023 - 23:03



Translation for this English-language forum, from :

Save as SongBook
The created music sheet is saved to the cloud and when checked in the app, the music sheet is not displayed. (It is saved.)
Therefore, even if I want to save the music in SongBook format, I cannot do so.
Please enable SongBook saving in the creation software and on the website.

"Please enable SongBook saving in the creation software and on the website."

Sorry, but I don't think that is going to happen in the near future.

Here is what I read on the SongBook website at :

Song Formats

SongbookPro can import files in the following formats:
ChordPro (cho, crd, chordpro, chopro, chord, pro)
SongbookPro files (.sbp)
SongbookPro Backup files (.sbpbackup)
Onsong exports (.onsong, .onsongarchive, .archive, .backup)

The usual recommended transfer format for music notation is MusicXML. But unfortunately SongBook does not yet support MusicXML. So in MuseScore perhaps you can use File > Export > Export Settings > PDF file to export to SongBook?

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