MuseScore file corrupted and wiped all of my work :(

• Nov 23, 2023 - 16:56

The most recent work I did was adding dynamics and articulations to my arrangement. I clicked saved as I wanted to come back to my bass part later today. Come back to open the file and MuseScore says it's corrupted. Checked if it holds any data, 0KB. Error message displays on MuseScore "Error=XML_ERROR_EMPTY_DOCUMENT ErrorID=13 (0xd) Line number=0"

Terrible start to a Thanksgiving Morning. I've tried all remedies to get it back. My backup file was the same exact way so it is not recoverable which really sucks. In hopes that no one else has to go through this, be sure to save multiple copies and versions of your mscz files. Do not save it under one file name and absolutely have backups outside of your laptop folders (stash saved files in a google drive folder or something). I attached the two files below as they appeared in my folder once I tried to open them. Went from however many KB to 0KB between the time a saved it last and trying to open them now.


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Unfortunately, I am aware. Those are the only files of the most recent saved versions of my arrangement. The only other file in my folder was from when I started the score in October which is why I made the post. I know the files here cannot be recovered. Just here to bring awareness to an issue that may or may not be affecting anyone else.

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Here is even the most recent log of the score I was working on. If there is a way to find an issue with why my score decided to wipe itself out, I'd love to know. I am going into the depths of my computer I did not even know existed and there is still no explanation to what happened. As long as it helps MuseScore run smoother in the future, I will provide anything necessary.

Attachment Size
Log of Score.docx 9.02 KB

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