Editing drumset

• Nov 24, 2023 - 08:16

Hi. I have a question about editing the drumset quick access panel, which is on the downward of the score page (see screenshot).
I want to remove drums I don't use, add something something I need, and change the order of drums.
How can I do it?

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In reply to by slimsem1337

In the standard Drumset, removing and changing the order is not possible.
You can create your own Drumset in the Edit Drumset panel.
Copy the default Drumset as, for example, "MyDrumset.drm" in "Save as...".
Mydrumset is in the Style folder. You can edit this file with Notepad.
You can delete instruments there, but the order cannot be changed (I tried).
Be careful when removing.
For each instrument, select the entire opening tag up to and including the entire closing tag <\Drum>

You can indeed edit the drumset within the "Edit drumset" function window. There is where you remove instruments. Change the voice. and other things. Then you save that as your drumset, and import it as you need it. The drum palette is one of the most awkward things I have ever used. In other notation software, you just add notes on the drum staff just like any other instrument. Not this strange shortcut only method in MuseScore.

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