"Ghost" rests in standard notation when I convert from TableEdit to Musescore

• Dec 10, 2023 - 22:19

But...they do not show up in the printing of the score. How do I remove those? Is it important?

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Libertyas Muse.xml 80.1 KB


You have notes in Voice 1 and then in Voice 2. When there is a Voice 2 notes there is a matching rest in Voice 1. It doesn't really matter for printing although it would be interesting to know how this happened. Is that the original XML file or an export from MuseScore? You can get rid of the rests by clicking on the Voice 1 notes and clicking on the note with a 1 next to it on the toolbar. This puts all the notes in Voice 1 and the spare rests in Voice 2 and then you can delete them.

Same suggestion, more direct procedure:

  • Select all (Ctrl+A),
  • Press Ctrl+Alt+1 to transfer all notes from voice 2 to voice 1. The rests are now in voice 2 and visible.
  • Right-click on a rest in voice 2, choose "Select all similar" and press Del. All rests in voice 2 are deleted. If there are rests in voice 1, which is not the case here, they will remain.

This works in your score because you only have notes in either voice 1 or voice 2.

If in other scores there are notes of different durations written on the same beat in both voices, voice 2 will be preserved.

In reply to by HildeK

Well, I do not have an ALT key on the Mac keyboard. I guess I do not understand why if there is a corresponding tab in Voice 2 for the corresponding standard notation note in Voice 1 why there is a "ghost" rest there.

You are do kind to help this neqwbie.

In reply to by sporter3231

You did not say which MuseScore version and which operating system you are using. In MuS 3.6.2. there are four buttons to select the voice. They are also available in the MuS 4 toolbar.

Instead of using Ctrl+Alt+1, which is for Windows, you can press this button 1 to transfer voice 2 notes in voice 1. And if you move the mouse pointer over the button, you will probably get a hint to the key combination for the Mac.
The person who wrote the score decided to use voice 2 sometimes. There was no need - we would have to ask him/her why.

Each voice that is used is also filled with the necessary rests so that the measure is complete. In voices 2 ... 4 you can delete these rests if necessary but not in voice 1. But instead of deleting rests it is better to hide them.

In reply to by sporter3231

TablEdit manages multiple voices automatically so you don't really become aware of them but in MuseScore this is manual. TablEdit does not automatically enter rests in TAB. This could account for the 'ghost' rests because MuseScore is more pedantic about rests in TAB. The rests are actually not ghosts but are required in standard notation so that the time signature is fulfilled in every voice.

See your TablEdit User Manual sections:

2.3 Score Strcture
2.7 Note Duration

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