Music without a time signature

• Nov 22, 2024 - 12:14

Is it possible on Musescore to have no time signature at all? I want to write Responsorial Psalm Tones.


Dear John,
Here's one way to get music without a Time Signature.
1. Work out how may beats (quarter notes) you want in the first line.
Eg: You might want to have 32 quarter notes in the first line.
You can create a time Signature 16/2 (16 whole note Time signature)
2. Highlight the Time Signature and press the letter "V" the Time
Signature will Vanish. You can write your Psalm Tones using whatever
value notes you wish - quarter notes, half notes, whole notes (etc.)
3. Repeat the process for each line. Eg: You may have a different number
of beats in each line - just create a new Time Signature for each line and
make it vanish!
Does that make sense - and would that give you the result you are looking for?

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