Program Not Responding - frequent issue

• Dec 14, 2023 - 20:45

I've been having this issue for some time now with MuseScore 4. The program freezes (sometimes it will say Not Responding) and there is a delay in changing/inputting any information. This happens on three separate devices, so I know it has nothing to do with the computers or files themselves. One of the computers has 32 GB RAM, which is far higher than the recommended.


It isn't just about specs. It can also be about how the system is tuned to the software. I have 4 computers with MU4 installed. All but one are a bit underpowered. All have enough ram and SSDs, but the CPUs are less than recommended. I only remember one ever displaying "not responding" or even freezing. Even that was because I was working with someone's corrupt score.
Keep track of what is going on when the freeze happens. Score size, single or multiple selection, or a particular procedure. Let us know.

Generally this would indicate a corruption in the score you are working on. Please attach it and give precise steps toreproduce the problem (if possible, or just a general idea).

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