Help with 16th note beams

• Dec 15, 2023 - 22:10

Hi everyone, I am trying to copy some sheet music into Musescore 4 (I am not sure if I am allowed, but it's for personal use only) and cannot copy the other half of the picture attached to this post Screenshot 2023-12-15 170534.png
I wasn't sure how to look this up and couldn't find anything about this
Also not sure if this is the right place
Can anyone help? I'll leave more details if needed


If it's the beaming over the 16th rest that you are referring to, select the rest and go to the Beam properties palette and choose Join beams:

If you specifically want the beam to be split as per your image, choose Break inner beams:

Attachment Size
Screenshot_20231215_233825.png 28.37 KB

In reply to by underquark

Thank you!
This helped me recreate it
The only problem I am having now is it's making me have a 16th note, and I can't change it
Do you know how I could resolve this?
I am quite new at this so my apologies

In reply to by underquark

My apologies for not giving detail

On the triplet at the end of the measure (I hope it's a triplet and I am not confusing it with something else)
When I try to put them as 16th notes, One auto defaults to a 32nd note like this
Screenshot 2023-12-16 125653.png
I am not sure if I am just doing something wrong, or missing something entirely
My apologies for the lack of detail

In reply to by AccioThe1st

It should be a triplet.
To create a triplet with 16th notes first set a normal 8th note or rest in place. See, my cursor points to it. Then use Ctrl+3 to get a triplet of three 16ths.
I assume you did that with a 16th note, not with an eighth.
Then fill in the notes (and the slur).

In reply to by AccioThe1st

Yes, it is a very versatile software and therefore almost everyone will come across questions at some point. And only a few will know everything. Then the manual is an important place to get ahead. If that doesn't help, the forum is the right place to solve a problem.

I myself asked for help years ago, and today I can sometimes give tips myself and still don't know everything.
Have a good time!

In reply to by HildeK

The Handbook is very good but it covers so much that it can be difficult to find what you want, particularly if you don’t know the terms to search for. The link I included in my reply to your first post tells you how to create tuplets (i.e. triplets, quadruplets, quintuplets, etc.)

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