Can't use slurred notes with rests underneath

• Dec 17, 2023 - 15:13

I'm trying to write slurred notes for a trumpet part but Musescore keeps inserting rests underneath meaning the instrument plays the notes individually rather than slurred - the handbook says this is to do with the instrument being in "Voice 1" and I can't delete rests in this voice but to be honest I have no clue what these "voices" are despite reading the handbook. Is there a way to change the voice the instrument uses?

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Screenshot 2023-12-17 151237.png 7.63 KB


Score needed, but you can certainbly add slured notes: add/enter 1st note, press S, continue adding notes
As far as I can tell from your picture there are no voices involved

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

That's the thing; I've tried that shortcut and it does work, but it adds rests inbetween the notes which I cannot delete and interrupts the slur so both notes are played individually.
(Excuse the really dodgy score, it looks rough and I'm currently focusing on getting the notes on the score and then I'll refine everything, but as far as I'm concerned the parts I want slurred are complete.)

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Save Your Kisses For Me.mscz 31.74 KB

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