Part Scores Not Working Properly

• Dec 18, 2023 - 01:51

Hello, I have recently had a lot of issues in Musescore with parts not working right. What will happen is when I make a score and try to open individual parts, parts will occasionally have things missing such as crescendos or slurs. This has been going on recently with multiple different scores and I do not know how to fix it. I have also checked to make sure my Musescore is up to date and it is.


Here is a score that has some issues.
One example is crescendos/diminuendos missing at measure 15 in the violin part but there are more places.

Unfortunately, while there have been sporadic reports of this happening - enough that we know there is a bug somewhere - so far no one has figured out how to reproduce it. But luckily, there is a straightforward fix. In the Parts window, click the "..." menu for the affected part, and reset.

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